Outclassing your ClassPad


So you’ve got this new calculator. It’s not like the one you were used to…

It’s bigger. It’s got *less* buttons. It’s got a touchscreen. It’s weirder than an Iphone with every single app installed.

And you have to use it…

Well, around about now, you may be considering one of the following options:

  1. losing it
  2. breaking it
  3. leaving it in your locker
  4. Quitting mathematics and running away to join the circus

Well, there are other options – namely beating it at it’s own game, and making it do maths until it squeals. Making it do the maths you don’t want to…

That sounds more like it. How many times have you had to do things like solving equations (or even… shudder… simultaneous equations)? Fractions? Surds? Finding the equations of lines? Force your calculator to do it so that you don’t have to!

Get your game face on, and check out the following links to learn how to use you ClassPad:

  1. ClassPad Videos : This is the *best* – do these and you’ll have that calculator begging for mercy
  2. ClassPad Downloads: Lots of useful stuff here – including “Canyon’s Corner” a helpful question and answer section
  3. ClassPad Lesson: Lots of stepped through instructions to show you how to do things. Worth printing off and storing for future refernce
  4. ClassPad Software: Additional programs to make your calculator do even more than it already does
  5. ClassPad Solution: Links and information for even more
  6. ClassPad Instructions: Even more worked ways to learn how to torture your classpad into submission
  7. ClassPad E-activities: You can make you classpad helpful in other subjects too…

Have lots of fun, and I expect to see those ClassPads in every class

Explore posts in the same categories: Mathematics, technology

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